If you would like to contact us regarding a pastoral issue, please contact your child's Form Tutor in the first instance. We will aim to respond within 3 working days during term time.
For Attendance please contact your child's Student Support Officer (SSO) or follow the procedure on our Contact Us page.
Year 7 Team
7N KXP - Mrs Pumfrey, KXP@tda.education
7N GAR - Miss Reid, GAR@tda.education
7N NJW - Mr Warrick, NWA@tda.education
7N AXZ - Mr Zahoor, AXZ@tda.education
7N BJU - Miss Ungless, BJU@tda.education
7N CPG - Mr German, CGE@tda.education
7S MMS - Mr Mustafa, MMS@tda.education
7S GLW - Miss Wilson, GWI@tda.education & Ms Sharma NZS@tda.education
7S DXR - Miss Reynolds, DREY@tda.education
7S SWS - Miss Shabir, SWS@tda.education
7S CSB - Mrs Burley, CREN@tda.education & Mr Hewitt AYH@tda.education
7S BHN - Miss Henson, BHN@tda.education
Head of Year - Mrs Khan, NBK@tda.education
Deputy Head of Year - Mr Ihsan, AIHS@tda.education
Student Support Officer - Mrs Nair, AAN@tda.education
Behaviour Support Officer - Mr Clarke, RCL@tda.education
Year 8 Team
8N SSH – Mr Sharifi, SSH@tda.education
8N SFC - Mr Chowdhury, SFC@tda.education
8N AEP - Mrs Lomas, AEP@tda.education & Mrs Brimblecombe, RBR@tda.education
8N KLN - Miss Fodvo (cover for Dr Nicholson), DFT@tda.education
8N AMI - Mr Iqbal, AMI@tda.education
8N KXB - Mrs Booth, KBO@tda.education & Mr Mann, EGM@tda.education
8S CMH - Miss Hunter, CMH@tda.education
8S JZA - Mr Anderson, JZA@tda.education
8S KEW - Miss Winterbourne, KEW@tda.education
8S CVS - Mr Sidaway, CVS@tda.education
8S HOS - Mrs Souifi, HOS@tda.education
8S ERC - Miss Childs, ERC@tda.education
Head of Year – Mr Clarke, SCL@tda.education
Deputy Head of Year - Mr Burley, GBU@tda.education
Student Support Officer - Miss Wilson, HJW@tda.education
Behaviour Support Officer - Mr Bird, TBI@tda.education
Year 9 Team
9N REB - Mrs Brown, RBRO@tda.education
9N SJJ - Mrs Jones, SJJ@tda.education
9N FXJ - Mrs Jabeen, FXJ@tda.education
9N KRA - Mrs Archer, KRA@tda.education.com
9N AMD - Miss Dickinson, AMD@tda.education
9N TAW - Miss Waheed, TAW@tda.education
9S JDP - Mrs Dean-Phillips, JDP@tda.education
9S SHM – Mrs Mubarak, SHM@tda.education
9S KLS - Mrs Sobieralska, KLS@tda.education
9S BXN - Mrs Nisar, BXN@tda.education
9S RCM - Mrs Marjot, RCM@tda.education
9S JCR - Mr Cooper, JCR@tda.education
Head of Year - Mrs Lloyd, LLL@tda.education
Deputy Head of Year - Ms Connolly, SZC@tda.education
Student Support Officer - Miss Johnson, VJO@tda.education
Behaviour Support Officer - Mr Vicente, FXV@tda.education
Year 10 Team
10N CAM - Mrs Milroy, CAM@tda.education
10N AAM - Mr Mahmood, AAM@tda.education
10N SNC - Mrs Clayborne, SNC@tda.education
10N BRT - Mr Thompson, BRT@tda.education
10N SDA - Mr Ali, SDA@tda.education
10N DZC- Mr Cheeseman, DZC@tda.education
10S EYB- Mrs Bird, EYB@tda.education & Mr Hussain, ZHU@tda.education
10S RJC- Miss Cobb, RJC@tda.education
10S NXR- Mr Roger, NRO@tda.education & Mr Moore, RNM@tda.education
10S EXJ- Mrs Jeffery, EJE@tda.education
10S DSW - Mr Wesley, DWE@tda.education
10S JWC - Mr Cox, JCOX@tda.education
Head of Year - Mrs Grimwood, EGRI@tda.education
Deputy Head of Year - Mr Hussain, BHU@tda.education
Student Support Officer - Mrs Witten, LOW@tda.education
Behaviour Support Officer - Mr Smith, IJS@tda.education
Year 11 Team
11N BEW - Ms Williams, BEW@tda.education
11N LZK - Miss Kitson, LZK@tda.education & Mrs Ashton, LCAL@tda.education
11N JAD - Mr Draper, JAD@tda.education
11N NZW - Miss Norman (cover for Mrs Waudby), SNO@tda.education & Mrs Ashton, LCAL@tda.education
11N NZA - Mrs Abdurahman, NZA@tda.education & Miss Colbran, HLC@tda.education
11N MGM - Ms Guijon, MGM@tda.education
11N KXT - Mrs Taylor, KXT@tda.education
11S SIS - Mr Shah, MSHA@tda.education
11S GHO - Mr O'Hara, GHO@tda.education & Mrs Hardy, THARD@tda.education
11S HHS - Miss Stimpson, HHS@tda.education
11S SXI - Miss Idris, SXI@tda.education
11S SJP - Mrs Perry, SPE@tda.education
11S SAK - Miss Aziz, SAK@tda.education
Head of Year –Mr Akhtar, AAK@tda.education
Deputy Heads of Year - Mrs Redhead, KER@tda.education & Miss Williams, SAW@tda.education
Student Support Officer - Mrs Kausar, NKR@tda.education
Behaviour Support Officer - Mrs Raines, RRAI@tda.education
Year 12 Team
12 TLR - Mrs Roberts, TCO@tda.education & Mrs Taylor, RVT@tda.education
12 KMD - Mrs Doran, KMD@tda.education
12 GXC - Mr Cox, GXC@tda.education
12 SOM - Mr Mills, SOM@tda.education
12 JRC - Mr Carter, JRC@tda.education
12 EXS - Ms Simpson, EXS@tda.education
12 JSC - Mr Chesham, JSC@tda.education
12 RGM - Mrs Mackrell-Hey, RMA@tda.education
Year 13 Team
13 PDW - Mr Wiggin, PWI@tda.education
13 AXC - Mr Crysell, AXC@tda.education & Mrs Younis, SYO@tda.education
13 RRR - Mr Rodrigues, RRR@tda.education
13 LKW - Ms Wright, LKW@tda.education
13 LJP - Ms Parkes, LJP@tda.education
13 MIB - Mr Bullock, MIB@tda.education
13 MLR - Miss Reid, MLR@tda.education
13 STA - Mr Akeroyd, STA@tda.education & Mrs Rana, AYR@tda.education
Head of Sixth Form - Mrs Jackson, MTJ@tda.education
Deputy Heads of Sixth Form - Mrs Young (Year 12), CWY@tda.education & Mr Taylor (Year 13), MXT@tda.education
Progress Support Officers - Mrs Ali, AAI@tda.education & Ms Halifax, JEH@tda.education