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Studying in TDA Sixth Form

We look for students with the very highest aspirations, ones who are interested in their subjects and do not settle for anything less than the very best. Learning is a challenge especially when there are so many other things going on in young people’s lives. Here at TDA Sixth Form we are determined to help young people become outstanding, independent learners who are successfully able to navigate their way to life beyond sixth form.

When people tell you that there is a big step-up from GCSE to sixth form (level 3) study they are not exaggerating. There are three main challenges which you will face:

In terms of content, very rapidly you will be exposed to a plethora of:

ideas theorems
dates studies
concepts learned opinions

Over the two years in TDA Sixth Form there is a host of academic skills you will acquire and hone in readiness for further study or the world of work, these include:

planning to tackle tasks in the most effective way researching  problem-solving
applying your knowledge to a range of challenging situations writing balanced or persuasive responses under timed conditions prioritising – issues or solutions according to seriousness or significance
evaluating the quality, persuasiveness and/or pragmatism of arguments or potential solutions referencing presenting – ideas, arguments, evidence
communicating – both in writing and by spoken word    

In terms of learning, there are a number of critical areas upon which you will need to focus:

studying independently being responsible for your own learning consolidating learning taking notes
maintaining motivation keeping our brain healthy absorbing information dealing with physical and mental
retaining knowledge and skills recalling what you have learned as and then you need it giving of your best revising in preparation for both internal and external exams
organising notes, deadlines and extracurricular activities managing time preparing – understanding key concepts prior to lessons reading – both required texts and additional books or journals to extend understanding

Use of study periods
With a brand new Study Centre, sixth formers are well placed to make good use of their non-contact time. Given the considerable “step-up” from GCSE level, the competitive nature of applications to courses at the “best” universities and the extracurricular activities that many young people get involved in, the importance of productively using study periods throughout the school day cannot be overstated. Students could be:

Prepping for “flipped” lessons  Answering exam-style questions
Doing homework tasks Drawing up revision cards
Completing additional reading Investigating careers
Consolidating learning or writing up notes Researching university courses /institutions

At the start of the year during personal development sessions, time is given over to exploring brain exercises, the dietary and other measures which can develop a healthy brain, and different ways of recording information from lessons. A major focus at this stage is the importance of “consolidation” – those techniques and activities which contribute towards developing “deep” rather than superficial learning.

Prospective Sixth Form students are encouraged to read our Sixth Form Course Prospectus to explore the range of sixth form courses available at Thomas Deacon Academy and the UCAS Progress Website for other local Post 16 providers in the Peterborough locality.