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Full CalendarAcademy Trip

This event will take place between 6:00pm and 5:00pm on 15/02/2024 and on Tuesday each week thereafter until 16/02/2024.

Calendar Entry Request

Event Title

Froglife trip

Location of Visit/Event

Thorpe Meadow Peterborough


23/01/2024 at 10:15


23/01/2024 at 12:15

Event Details

Trip for a select group of SEND students to the nature reserve run by Froglife charity. To develop social and practical skills.

Dept Link


Year Groups

["Year 7","Year 8","Year 9"]

Number of Students


Member of Staff in Charge of Visit/Event

William Wood

Calendar Category

Academy Trip

Reccurence details

Every Tuesday until 13/02/2024