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Full CalendarAcademy Event

This event will take place between 9:00am and 3:00pm on 08/12/2023

Calendar Entry Request

Event Title

Meducators Workshop

Location of Visit/Event

Thomas Deacon Academy - 4 classrooms


08/12/2023 at 9:00


08/12/2023 at 15:00

Event Details

Students will achieve the following by attending these workshops : Gain hands on experience of fundamental and basic skills taught in healthcare and STEM degrees Give students the chance to question students and experienced members working in STEM and Healthcare fields. Intrigue students to pursue a career in STEM or Healthcare field Gain skills to aid their applications for University Attending the workshop will aim to: Generate greater enthusiasm for science amongst pupils. Boost grade 7+ Science GCSE results Increase numbers of PP and female students taking STEM subjects at A level

Dept Link


Year Groups

["Year 9"]

Number of Students


Member of Staff in Charge of Visit/Event

Katie Nicholson

Calendar Category

Academy Events